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How many syllables in Tenement



How many syllables?

3 Syllables

How it's divided?



  • n. - That which is held of another by service; property which one holds of a lord or proprietor in consideration of some military or pecuniary service; fief; fee.
  • n. - Any species of permanent property that may be held, so as to create a tenancy, as lands, houses, rents, commons, an office, an advowson, a franchise, a right of common, a peerage, and the like; -- called also free / frank tenements.
  • n. - A dwelling house; a building for a habitation; also, an apartment, or suite of rooms, in a building, used by one family; often, a house erected to be rented.
  • n. - Fig.: Dwelling; abode; habitation.


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