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How many syllables in Scab



How many syllables?

1 Syllable

How it's divided?



  • n. - An incrustation over a sore, wound, vesicle, or pustule, formed by the drying up of the discharge from the diseased part.
  • n. - The itch in man; also, the scurvy.
  • n. - The mange, esp. when it appears on sheep.
  • n. - A disease of potatoes producing pits in their surface, caused by a minute fungus (Tiburcinia Scabies).
  • n. - A slight irregular protuberance which defaces the surface of a casting, caused by the breaking away of a part of the mold.
  • n. - A mean, dirty, paltry fellow.


1 Syllable Words Starting with?

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