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How many syllables in Picket



How many syllables?

2 Syllables

How it's divided?



  • n. - A stake sharpened or pointed, especially one used in fortification and encampments, to mark bounds and angles; or one used for tethering horses.
  • n. - A pointed pale, used in marking fences.
  • n. - A detached body of troops serving to guard an army from surprise, and to oppose reconnoitering parties of the enemy; -- called also outlying picket.
  • n. - By extension, men appointed by a trades union, or other labor organization, to intercept outsiders, and prevent them from working for employers with whom the organization is at variance.
  • n. - A military punishment, formerly resorted to, in which the offender was forced to stand with one foot on a pointed stake.
  • n. - A game at cards. See Piquet.


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