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How many syllables in Liberty



How many syllables?

3 Syllables

How it's divided?



  • n. - The state of a free person; exemption from subjection to the will of another claiming ownership of the person or services; freedom; -- opposed to slavery, serfdom, bondage, or subjection.
  • n. - Freedom from imprisonment, bonds, or other restraint upon locomotion.
  • n. - A privilege conferred by a superior power; permission granted; leave; as, liberty given to a child to play, or to a witness to leave a court, and the like.
  • n. - Privilege; exemption; franchise; immunity enjoyed by prescription or by grant; as, the liberties of the commercial cities of Europe.
  • n. - The place within which certain immunities are enjoyed, or jurisdiction is exercised.
  • n. - A certain amount of freedom; permission to go freely within certain limits; also, the place or limits within which such freedom is exercised; as, the liberties of a prison.


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