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How many syllables in Influence



How many syllables?

3 Syllables

How it's divided?



  • n. - A flowing in or upon; influx.
  • n. - Hence, in general, the bringing about of an effect, phusical or moral, by a gradual process; controlling power quietly exerted; agency, force, or tendency of any kind which the sun exerts on animal and vegetable life; the influence of education on the mind; the influence, according to astrologers,of the stars over affairs.
  • n. - Power or authority arising from elevated station, excelence of character or intellect, wealth, etc.; reputation; acknowledged ascendency; as, he is a man of influence in the community.
  • n. - Induction.
  • v. t. - To control or move by power, physical or moral; to affect by gentle action; to exert an influence upon; to modify, bias, or sway; to move; to persuade; to induce.


3 Syllable Words Starting with?

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