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How many syllables in Elater



How many syllables?

3 Syllables

How it's divided?



  • n. - One who, or that which, elates.
  • n. - An elastic spiral filament for dispersing the spores, as in some liverworts.
  • n. - Any beetle of the family Elateridae, having the habit, when laid on the back, of giving a sudden upward spring, by a quick movement of the articulation between the abdomen and thorax; -- called also click beetle, spring beetle, and snapping beetle.
  • n. - The caudal spring used by Podura and related insects for leaping. See Collembola.
  • n. - The active principle of elaterium, being found in the juice of the wild or squirting cucumber (Ecballium agreste, formerly Motordica Elaterium) and other related species. It is extracted as a bitter, white, crystalline substance, which is a violent purgative.


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